Local Schools

Reminder: School is closed today, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences this morning from 8:00-11:30am.

195 E. Jamestown St., South Charleston, OH 45368

Located behind Miami View Elementary

Reminder: School is closed today, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences this morning from 8:00-11:30am.

226 Clifton Road
South Charleston OH 45368
Telefono: 937.462.8388
Fax: 1.888.207.9654

230 Clifton Road
South Charleston OH 45368
Phone: 937.462.8364
Fax: 937.462.7914
Principal: Mr. Nick Banion
Doors Open: 7:30am
Classes In Session: 7:55a-3:10p

195 E. Jamestown Street
South Charleston OH 45368
Telefono: 937.462.8308
Fax: 937.462.8394
Preside: Sig. PJ Bertemes
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