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Jr./Sr. Weiterführende Schule


Notice to Southeastern Families


Ohio House Bill 214 requires that school districts must permit students to be absent for up to three days each school year for reason of faith or religious or spiritual belief system or to participate in organized religious activities.

Parents/Guardian may excuse his or her child by filling out a religious expression excusal form. Students will be provided alternative accommodations for exams and academic requirements they miss on the religious expression day if they provide proper notice. Proper notice includes written documentation of the days missed provided by the parent/guardian to the school within 14 days of school starting or 14 days after enrollment. For the 2024-2025 school year, proper notice will start on Oct. 24, 2024 and end Nov. 7, 2024.

Students are allowed to participate in athletics and extracurricular activities on the day of a religious expression day as long as they complete the religious expression excusal form.

A list of major religious holidays or festivals is in the menu above. This is a non-exhaustive list.

Staatsanwaltschaft von Clark County: Sexting und das STOP-Programm

© 2020 von Southeastern Local Schools.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 02.10.2020

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* Hinweis für Menschen mit Behinderungen:

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